Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Let them praise his name with dancing..."

"...and make music to him with tambourine and harp." ~Psalm 149:3

I really enjoyed Psalm 149 recently, because "the Lord takes delight in His people". But I also really liked how we're called to praise him with dancing. And to make music to him with tambourine and harp but I don't have access to those instruments. I realized that I like dancing. Granted, I can't dance, especially like the "cool dancing" where people look really cool. But I like dancing--and because of Jesus, I feel free to dance even if I look really stupid. Dancing to praise His name!

Anyway, "Life is a Dance with Jesus"... I was thinking of "Adventures with Jesus", but I think this is more appropriate. I don't know anything about dancing, but to me, it's kinda scary/nerve wracking because I always feel like "I don't know how to", but once I let loose, it's just fun and joyful! I guess that's how I see life with Jesus right now. It's kinda scary/nerve wracking because I feel like most of the places/things He leads me to are unfamiliar/challenging, but once I let loose in the Spirit, I see that it's really joy-filled.

I'm not much of a writer, and I'm not too great with consistent updates...but let's dance!

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