Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I stand amazed...

God is... amazing. Slightly rebuking, too? But more just amazing, gracious, patient, kind, loving, generous... I know He's getting a kick out of the fact that my last post was about lacking money. All I can do is shake my head and try to understand grace. Within the past week, I've received one anonymous cash donation, two via check, and two monthly pledges, all adding up to a big WOW. I could be a pessimist and say that I still have ~80% to go but it's hard to be a pessimist when you worship such a great God.

I saw someone on campus that I hadn't seen in a while and I stopped to talk/catch up with what was going on in his life. It was brief, maybe 15-20 minutes, somehow getting on the topic of my moving overseas. Then, very unexpectedly, when he got up to leave, he gave me a check saying, "It's not much but please take this." What?? Only in God's family, in His kingdom. I barely know the guy, perhaps talking with him only a handful of times before this. Incomprehensible.

I found this in my backpack yesterday:

This picture makes me look like a drug dealer. :D sorry. But seriously, I don't even know what to say. Which is why this post is so scattered and disjointed but I figured I have to proclaim His praises.

All I could do every time financial support would come was pray and thank God. I feel so undeserving of people's money. I know, as King David says, all that we have is God's and when we give to Him, we just give back what He first gave us. But the selflessness of people's hearts to want to give of their hard-earned money with the faith that God will provide for them moves me. God bless them.

I also feel affirmed by God. I've been going through doubts as to whether God really wants me to go overseas, but if hearts are being moved to support me in prayer and finances, that must say something. I know that I don't have any "power" nor do I want to have any persuasive role in people's support of me. So yes, I praise God for showing me once again that He can do it and He will. I thank Him because I don't know what I'm doing and everyday it feels crazier that I'd move out of my comfort zone, especially feeling like I lack the gifts/skills to be successful out there-- but He's letting me know that He's leading me, and that's enough.

Sorry again that this post is so disjointed. Thank you for your prayers (ecce, God answers! What joy to know our Heavenly Father hears and answers!). I hope this post brings you to praise God and see Him at work in your own life. Down with our disbelief! :) 3 Cheers for the King!


  1. *CHEERS!* Dang girl... {looks in my backpack}... nothing. haha. Was that FATTY WAD of cash the anonymous donation?!

    Maybe if you sell drugs you'll make some more support money :-P

  2. yup i'm officially rebuked by this post too. to be honest, when you first started raising support, i had serious doubts. but alas, God is curazy and His ways are not are ways and ... yea God is ridiculously cool. so freaking awesome!!!
