Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Money, money, money... (money!)

Thinking about that song on that one show. Very helpful, I know. Anyway, latest prayer update: it could be a possibility that I'll stay in the States longer (instead of going with V-SET, the summer short-term missions trip in late June) if I can't raise at least $20,000 of the 28,000 that I'm hoping for. I guess it makes sense that I'd have to stay in the States if I haven't raised the money, but I' m hoping that I won't have to consider this as an option as it would make logistics much more complicated. (How would I pay for rent? I just left my job, too. What about my parents who are coming from Taiwan to send me off? etc.)

One of God's special ways of revealing Himself to me has always been as a God of provision though. Linda, when we lived together '07-'08 (yay Linda!) brought that to my attention and I realized that from backpack to watch, money for rent to auto insurance, God has always done crazy things.

And my God will meet all your needs according His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)

Lastly the awesome comfort of knowing that God is well-known for answering seemingly impossible problems with seemingly impossible solutions (see II Kings 3:16-20 on a super cool story on how God made water come from nowhere... He's so cool!). Thankful for this challenge of faith, but need prayer to stay trusting and not become frantic.


  1. trust trust trust! last night I led Bible study on Joshua 3 and 4. Good passage about trusting in God, esp during times of transitions and uncertainty. And yes. God can stop the river Jordan, so He can provide you with money money money ;)

  2. *gasp* OH MY, steph... you might not go on VSET this summer?! eeeck, but we'll let God decide that...

    Mannn i feel ya in terms of the money money money part (haha is that from Rachel Ray's $40-A-Day on Food Network?) i emailed/hand-delivered/snail-mailed over 100 of my support letters this week and the response has been pretty grim... some people have already responded to apologize that they CANNOT support me financially :( but a couple generous friends said they're willing to donate a lil so that's awesome!

    but it's all good, i truly believe that if God wants us to go, He will provide the funds! so smile :D
