Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thank you..

I wrote this on January 28 but didn’t have a chance to post until now. I actually have more recent things to post about, things that God’s been teaching me lately that’s been very encouraging and eye-opening but I guess it’ll have to wait for another time when I have the opportunity to type it up/post it.

Thank you for your prayers-- I can really feel the power of your prayers as I've been feeling much more refreshed and encouraged these past couple of weeks. I can’t express how encouraging it is to know that people are praying for me and walking with me even when I’m so far away.  Not sure what it was at the time but I was feeling pretty discouraged about ministry and my own personal walk with God.

Life has been much better lately. Mei and I are teaching super cute 8th graders (around 13-14 years old). Two of them heard the gospel last weekend and wanted to make the decision to believe. PTL! When I was having a text message exchange with one of them, she asked me when I would return to America. I told her I wasn't sure but I'd be here for at least one year (thinking that that's "good news"). She replied "ohh!! :( one year is very hurry. If you go, I'll miss you :(." In some ways, its true. In 1 year, she'll only be in 9th grade. But where will I be? Even if I stay for 5 years, until she graduates and goes to college, will it be "enough"?
Lately, I've been realizing how much I lack godly wisdom and how important it is for me to pray continually for God's guidance in all areas of my life.

As the new semester approaches, I can't believe it’s already been 1 year since moving to UB. At the same time, I can't believe it's only been a year (feels like much longer). So much has happened and I can only wonder what life will be like 1 year from now. One thing that I'm convinced of-- I'm in good hands. :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Can you pray for me?

Not sure who reads this :P, well, I know at least a couple people do, but I just need a place to share.  I don't usually share too "personal" prayer requests in my general updates/emails to people back home, but definitely needing a lot of prayer these days. It's been a really rough past week--I've been having frequent headaches (possibly due to stress and fatigue).  Not sure exactly what's causing all the stress, besides feeling a lot of pressure in teaching our Advanced students by myself (I've done it before and yet this time feeling more pressure than previous times).  Also feeling this weight of feeling like "I can't do this" (in terms of being this "successful missionary").  In some senses, it's a good place to be, feeling like I can't do anything, I'm so incompetent in trying to share God's love to others.  It forces me to remember why I must be fully dependent on Jesus as my Vine.

But it's still hard.  So, if you happen to read this, please pray for me.

In other news, I think I'm starting to feel the difference from being overseas the first two years and now being away from the States for the third year.  The first two years I could feel much support from people back home, but perhaps this is the beginning of the natural fade.  I think most missionaries feel this, as the years go by, it's easy to be forgotten.  However, I'm so thankful to God for the few people who email me and tell me that they're still praying for us and the work going on out here (and I'm thankful for those who don't have a chance to email but are still faithfully praying).  I have to admit, I was a bit discouraged when I sent an email to people back home and the only response I received was from someone asking me to remove them from the email list (clarification: I'm totally okay with her request because I understand that people also committed to praying for other things and it's overwhelming to try to keep up with everything).  But God is good, He reminds me that we're not alone out here. :)